Studies have repeatedly reported that spinal decompression therapy reduces discomfort as well as, if not better than, the results of a physical therapy control group, even before the tested individual has completed one-third of their therapy. People are experiencing significant improvements after incorporating various decompression exercises into their holistic recovery routines, and groups such as The Spine Center are at the center of this benefit.

Below, we offer information on how spinal decompression exercises provide measurable relief from back discomfort and other similar issues. Learn more about:

  • Effective spinal decompression exercises
  • At-home steps you can take to help
  • When to see a chiropractor
  • What your next steps should be

Read on to discover how The Spine Center can advise you on offering both immediate back pain relief and sustained benefits in the long term. 

How Spinal Decompression Exercises Relieve Pain

Much of the time, when a patient feels discomfort in the spine, it is related to intradiscal pressure, which can often lead to:

  • Herniated disks
  • Circulatory issues
  • Nerve damage
  • Significant discomfort

Decompression aims to reduce this pressure, allowing the disks to retract or leading to negative pressure that moves them back where they originally sat, stopping them from interacting with the nerves. The routines help restore the spine’s natural curve, reducing the amount of compression that occurs to nerves and decreasing the discomfort felt.

Using these exercises, long-term can also help improve people’s habits related to shaping or posing their backs, improving the integrity of disks and the spine in general.

The boost in blood flow caused by these exercises also helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the impacted area. Over time, this can help further reduce inflammation and even support the body’s efforts in repairing tissue in and around the spine.

How Long Until You Should Expect to Feel Relief

Consistently participating in these exercises over one month will likely inform you if they are likely to have a significant impact. Some of the earlier relief felt will often come from decreased muscle tension and improved circulation, which many people experience after more exercise. Alongside the targeted efforts of decompression techniques, these movements will likely offer more long-term relief.

However, if you do not experience any change after this time, you should contact a clinician. Other issues may require them to advise you on your next steps. For example, you may have a condition that needs further treatment before you can start seeing improvements.

Best Ways to Decompress Your Spine for Immediate Relief

While these may not be long-term solutions, several exercises can help reduce the tension in the spine in the short term, helping you perform other steps to help in other ways. However, you should discuss the details of these efforts with your clinician before you engage with them in case your discomfort is due to a different issue that may be exacerbated by performing them.

In general, you should engage in exercise for spinal health with slow movements and sustained poses to help you separate vertebrae or reduce the pressure on disks.

When you participate in these exercises alongside other therapies, such as cold laser therapy, you can also benefit from the boost in blood circulation and cellular repair The Spine Center can offer. You are then likely to see an increase in your pain relief faster.

Specific routines you could try to help with your spinal discomfort include:

Seated Traction

To perform this exercise, sit in a sturdy chair with space behind you. Place your feet flat on the floor in front of you, clasping your hands behind your head. Slowly lean back and start to arch your upper back a little, holding this position for up to 20 seconds before returning to the sitting position.

Perform this routine slowly, and if you start to feel additional discomfort, stop immediately. Moving too quickly or stretching too much can lead to further strain, so ensure you take steps to do this safely.

Controlled Spinal Stretches

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you. For support, place a rolled towel or a cushion under your back. Then, gently lean back on the towel until you feel your back stretch. 

This exercise results in a mild and controlled stretch. However, it may not be enough for everyone to offer decompression.

Dynamic-to-Static Spinal Stretches

Begin this stretch by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, start rotating your torso left and right.

Move as far as is comfortable, holding for up to 30 seconds. However, be aware that overstretching can increase back pain in some, so be careful with how far you move.

Additional Advice

In general, try to combine stretches involving movement (“dynamic stretches”) with ones where you maintain a stretch (“static holds”) to give you the best chance of releasing tight muscles. Also, discuss the details of these with your clinician to ensure that they will likely impact the section of your spine you need help with. They can give you more specific advice, including combining the stretches with other treatments such as:

  • Electrical stimulation
  • Chiropractic Manipulation
  • ProAdjuster 360 utilization
  • Erchonia FX 405 cold laser therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Mechanical assisted spinal
  • Manual therapy

So, ensure you request information about each of these from your doctor during your first consultation and learn whether each is likely to offer you benefits related to relieving your discomfort. They will have experience in understanding individuals’ specific needs, which treatments are most likely to help with your discomfort, and which might risk exacerbating any issues. 

Experience Rapid Relief at The Spine Center

Performing spinal decompression exercises combined with working with clinicians on specific treatments, such as cold laser therapy, can offer significant pain relief. Expect immediate benefits and long-term improvements in spine health, giving you a new freedom of movement you can enjoy for years to come.

The Spine Center in Las Vegas has decades of experience providing personalized treatment plans tailored to patients’ unique issues. Contact us today to learn how our back pain expertise can help you long into the future.

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