Over 50 million people (20.4% of US adults) have chronic pain. Another 19.6 million suffer from high-impact chronic pain. Today, chronic pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care.

Without treatment, chronic pain can interfere with your daily activities, such as working and taking care of others. Untreated chronic pain can lead to anxiety, depression, reduced quality of life, or restrictions in mobility. A professional chiropractic adjustment could help.
Not sure if it’s time to see a chiropractor? Read on for the five signs you need to make an appointment for a professional adjustment today.

1. Regular Headaches

Most people who experience a mild headache may take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and continue with their day. If you have chronic headaches or migraines, however, it could indicate a more serious problem. Illnesses and disorders that can cause headaches include:

  • Infection
  • Sinus congestion
  • Nerve disorders
  • Tumor
  • Stroke
  • Head injury or trauma
  • Mental health conditions
  • High blood pressure
  • Medication overuse

Perhaps you were recently in a car accident and sustained a whiplash injury. This injury can cause trauma, leading to headaches. If you struggle with chronic headaches, it is important to visit your local chiropractor.

Chiropractors will have the ability to determine whether or not your neck and spine are in proper alignment.  A misalignment could impede blood flow to your brain, potentially causing pressure headaches. Generally, without a professional adjustment, the sustained injury will not improve on its own. 

It is important to let your chiropractor know if your headaches get worse after certain activities. Some activities that can contribute to worsened symptoms include sitting at a desk all day, dehydration, poor posture, or a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to manual adjustments, your chiropractor might recommend lifestyle changes as part of your treatment plan that may include advice for improving your posture and work environment, too.

2. Constant Neck or Back Pain

Over 45% of chiropractic patients receive care for lower back pain. In fact, it’s the top reason people see a chiropractor, followed by neck pain and headaches. If you suffer from chronic neck or back pain, it is important to talk to a chiropractor. 

A spinal injury could place pressure on your neck, back, and shoulders, leading to chronic pain symptoms. You could also experience lower back pain due to:

  • Misalignment in the neck
  • Stress
  • Poor posture

One of the top benefits of visiting a chiropractor is learning what’s causing your pain in addition to receiving treatment. Otherwise, repeating the same behaviors could cause symptoms to return. Chiropractors can help with constant neck or back pain by utilizing chiropractic techniques that target the cause of the problem rather than merely treating the symptoms. Chiropractors employ spinal manipulations and adjustments to realign vertebrae, alleviate pressure on nerves and muscles, improve the range of motion, and restore overall alignment in the spine.

3. Irregular Wear

A Chiropractor will work to effectively address the underlying issue(s) contributing to abnormal wear patterns.  One of the most common causes of uneven or abnormal wear patterns on the body is poor posture and spinal alignment, which can lead to imbalances and excess pressure being placed on certain areas. Utilizing various non-invasive techniques such as adjustments and mobilizations, chiropractors can help realign the spine and eliminate any subluxations (misalignments) contributing to joint breakdown and cartilage degradation. Through targeted exercises and stretches tailored to address these muscular deficiencies, chiropractors can help optimize movement mechanics, reduce pain, and assist in preventing future injuries related to uneven wear.

4. Trouble Sleeping

If you’re having trouble sleeping, visiting a chiropractor may benefit you. Chiropractic care can help correct spinal misalignments, which can lead to improved sleep quality. Manipulation of the spine encourages relaxation of the muscles and joints in your body, reducing tension and decreasing stress. By aligning your spine properly, chiropractic adjustments can also improve nerve function and increase blood flow throughout your body, which leads to better overall health. Moreover, a chiropractor can also advise patients on sleep posture and provide stretching exercises that encourage healthier sleep habits. 

5. Sustained Injuries

Generally, the treatment approach of a chiropractor is holistic; rather than simply treating the injured area or symptom, a chiropractor will take a comprehensive look at their patient’s overall health to identify any underlying issues that may be exacerbating pain or impeding recovery. A chiropractor will focus on the musculoskeletal system and its effect on bodily functions. Through various manual techniques, such as spinal adjustments, mobilizations, soft tissue therapy, and exercises, chiropractors can help manage pain associated with sustained injuries by reducing inflammation and facilitating healing.

In addition to manual therapies, chiropractors may incorporate complementary modalities such as massage therapy, stretching, and exercises to strengthen weak muscles contributing to chronic pain. By working closely with each patient to identify their unique health concerns and administering personalized treatment plans accordingly, chiropractors can provide non-invasive and highly effective relief for those suffering from persistent neck or back pain.

Visit a Chiropractor to Ease Your Pain Today

Working with a chiropractor can be an effective way to ease pain and improve overall health. With a combination of adjustments, massage therapy, exercise recommendations, and lifestyle advice tailored specifically to the patient’s needs, chiropractors can help individuals experience lasting relief from conditions such as back pain, neck pain, or headaches 

Ready to end your chronic pain? Contact us at The Spine Center today to schedule your appointment. 

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